It's the Simple Things....
Posted by Unknown
9:47 AM
It's funny how the simplest, most mundane things can touch your life in such profound ways. While with the preschool choir/BSDT class Sunday night at church, one of those little events happened. Ms Carlene was reading a book to the kids-Max Lucado's "You Are Special". Now, as an adult I have finally begun to accept myself as I am. I realize I'm how God made me, and the outside stuff is only important as for me being healthy so I can do what I need to do and take care of my children. The inside is what I can control, so I need to work on that. With a young daughter who inherited my genes, I try really hard to tell her she's beautiful, but that what is on the inside is far more important than what's on the out. But I also struggle with her weight issues so that she doesn't have problems in the future. I thought I had it under control...'til I read this book. If you have children, and even if you don't...you should read this book!! It is a fabulous illustration of how God loves us and knows us by name. Even if you have no image problems or self-worth issues, you should read this. It is such a simple story, but so powerful in its message. Thank you, Carlene for sharing with us this great story of love and acceptance that we can only know when we come to God, our Father, who knows us, who formed us, who loves us unconditionally. Only then, can we be "dot"less!!